Aqua Caliente, Tuscon by Steve Hill
  • Steve Hill

  • Aqua Caliente, Tuscon

  • Pastel
  • 12 " x 16 "
  • I started this painting 4 years ago on location at Agua Caliente Park in northeast Tucson, AZ and finished it April 2, 2023 in my studio. This "oasis" has been completely violated by humans over the past years or so, with dynamite blasting of the aqua firs to try to increase water flow, which failed twice, each time causing ever diminished flow from the natural cold and hot springs supplying these ponds.
    Thankfully. it has now fallen into the hands of a local preservation group and is still here for all to see and enjoy in it's "new" natural state.
    I love finding any water in a desert environment and this place is no exception!
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